Help your cage birds avoid diseases that can affect their crop with the Citro Natural Crop Support formula that is specially formulated to strengthen your birds’ crop and aid with digestion.
Birds’ crops are usually affected by viral or bacterial infections caused by incomplete digestion of their foods or diseases that impair the immune system.
Citro Natural Crop Support is used as a feeding supplement that your birds drink. It cleanses their crop, allows food to move through more easily and strengthens the crop against viruses and bacteria.
Citrus has been known to contain high levels of acidity and could be bad for your birds if given in excess. Make sure to follow the administration guides to ensure that the amount of crop support does not cause toxicity in your bird.
For Oral Use: Dosage amounts:
Racing Pigeon 20ml per 1litre water
To prevent crop infections:
Use for one day every 14 days in drinking water.
For treatment of crop infections:
Use for 3 days in drinking water.